COOL Publishing
Congratulations! You have just completed the writing process of The Chapters of Our Lives! We hope that you had a fun, engaging experience together as a family in this special way and perhaps learned something new about some of the most special people in your life. Now that the writing process is complete, the choice is yours about what you’d like to do next! We’d like to invite you to take your journey one step further and publish your work in a family memoir book!
Because this process is yours, there are options you can choose from when deciding how to proceed. Once you’ve completed the course and compiled all of your stories, you can assemble and share them in whatever way you choose. You can also take one of two avenues we offer to publish and print your book if you prefer. Please note that these are optional add-ons to the course, offered to you if you would like to publish your work. First and foremost, the Chapters of Our Lives is about process, the process of parent engagement and the process of writing.
If you’d like to go ahead with the publication process, here are your options!
Option 1
For Option 1, we give you everything you need to complete the publication process and you take full creative ownership of your project. You will have access to two editable book templates on Canva, an easy-to-use online design platform, along with a guide on how to use it.
You can use the templates as they are, dragging and dropping your text and images to where you want them to be. Alternatively, you can rearrange and re-design everything - from the layout and colours to the fonts and graphics. If you want even more freedom, you can choose to take the templates as inspiration and build your own design, using our tutorials and tips.
Next, when you’re in love with your final design, the publishing process will take place on Amazon KDP, a simple self-publishing platform that allows you to upload, order, and print your books on-demand at an extremely affordable price. You will also gain access to a tutorial for this step.
Option 1 is completely free of charge for the support materials we provide and while you have full creative freedom, you also have all the resources you need for success. We are available to answer your questions in the Facebook group or via email. Click below to start this process:
Option 2
If you select this option, we will do the heavy lifting. You can choose from three book layouts. You can also select from a variety of colour pallets.
Next, you will submit your content to us via word documents and JPEG images. You can submit as much or as little as you like, just be sure to provide any information you’d like in the book! Once you purchase the publishing add-on, you will gain access to a portal to input your information and upload your files. You will be invited to fill out a Dedication, a Table of Contents, an “About the Authors” section, your title, and the authors’ names.
We will use your selected layout, colours, and content to put together your unique family memoir book and send the file back to you, along with a publishing guide, so you can easily submit your design on Amazon and order as many copies as you like.
This design and layout option costs $59.99 (for the designer’s time to do the heavy lifting for you) and is an add-on to your family memoir project, The Chapters of Our Lives. Please note that when you order your books via Amazon, you will pay directly for the small printing costs.
To choose this option, click below to make your purchase and you will receive login information to the content page via email.